Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc, My partner and I are both in recovery. I am at peace with the idea of moving forward from this point being honest and open about my sexual addiction. What I am not so […]
Dear Porn Doc, I am a 40-plus year old man who has struggled with an addiction to pornography. It played a big part in my divorce. I am now in recovery (seeing a counselor and attending SA meetings) and have begun a new serious relationship and I am uncertain as to if I should share […]
Dear PornDoc, I am currently in treatment for pornography addiction. My therapist wants me to journal a lot. My thinking is that this brings up feelings of wanting to act out which seems counterproductive to me. I’d like your thoughts on the importance of writing. First of all, good for you for seeking help. It’s […]
Dear PornDoc, Q: I’m a married man in recovery from sexual addiction and pornography. I’ve noticed that since I’ve been in treatment, I get very uncomfortable watching any kind of nudity in movies and TV programs with my wife. I sort of sit there and hold my breath and hope she doesn’t get upset. How […]
Dear PornDoc, Q: I have been looking at online porn since I was a young teen. I am now 22 (male) and am growing more and more concerned at what I am looking at. I’m embarrassed to admit it but I am now looking at extreme fetish sites, transsexuals, and gay porn…and I consider myself […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer pressing questions about porn addiction and sex addiction. We’ll answer your questions too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc, I’ve been in and out of various treatments for my addiction to online pornography and prostitution. My 12-year-old son recently got in trouble for viewing online porn. His mother (we […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc, I am a married man who likes to look at online pornography. I don't feel this is a problem. My wife knows to some degree how much I look at it. She’s not crazy […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc, My marriage is in crisis. I have been caught in several extramarital affairs and I am now really (for the first time) examining my behavior. I have often used online pornography as the “lesser […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc: My wife wants to watch porn with me. Perfect, right? Why I am so turned off by this? We tried once or twice but I was so petrified and closed off. I am so […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc: The Christmas season brings up a lot of mixed emotions for me. As a person who struggles with sex addiction, I find myself caught between creating new traditions with my wife and kids and […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc: I’m a 22-year-old college student. I look at a lot of online pornography and have been since I was about 13. I’m concerned about my ability to perform with a real person. Technically I'm […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions, answer your most pressing questions. We’ll answer your question too… e-mail Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc: One of my biggest problems isn’t necessarily looking at porn…but rather looking at women—a lot. In fact, I am often not even aware that I am doing it and have really gotten into […]
Porn addiction and sex addiction experts from Compulsion Solutions, answer your most pressing questions. We'll answer your question too... email Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc, The problem with my addiction occurs a lot at night. I have difficulty sleeping and when I wake up in the middle of the night (which is often), I tend to act out […]
Renowned porn addiction and sex addiction therapist, George Collins, answers your most pressing questions. If you have a question, email Porn Doc. Dear Porn Doc, Q: I used to be a chronic porn addict. Now I'm not looking at porn every day but I'm just not able to stay away from looking at porn and masturbating […]